Via the indelible @stollcomics .

It’s been an awesome few days for art, between the beautiful campus backgrounds, the final Adam sprite, and now progress on James. I feel like I’ve been slacking so much on my code/story cleanup. :\
Via the indelible @stollcomics .
It’s been an awesome few days for art, between the beautiful campus backgrounds, the final Adam sprite, and now progress on James. I feel like I’ve been slacking so much on my code/story cleanup. :\
Final Adam sprite, via the talents of @stollcomics
He fits into the game pretty well 🙂
I’m still in the middle of my TODO list, so I’ll probably wait on a final James sprite to push a new release. But still… I’m excited about this progress!
Here’s some more gorgeous backgrounds, via Crowkicks, featuring variants on the campus scene. Those fall colors seriously took my breath away.
Also Adam does not like the cold. (Work-in-progress sprites via @stollcomics.) But at least there’s only one of him. For now.
(He does theoretically like snow, but I guess he forgot his hat and scarf, and is therefore less interested in it at the moment.)
Adam ended up being a huge pain for @stollcomics to color, but here’s a preview of his final sprite. (I think the head, or at least the expressions, are still a WIP, but he’s looking great anyway.)
I’ve been negligent at sharing in-progress backgrounds on tumblr. The first two of these are already in the game itself, but here’s some not-so-previews anyway, via the talented Crowkicks.
Jake really likes pizza. And food. (Also Adam is confused at how he eats so much.)
Juan really likes running? Not that he’s doing particularly much of it at the moment…
The name of the game is cleanup. I will probably also get more assets (backgrounds and sprites) that I’ll start plugging into the game as they come in, which are non-trivial efforts, but also not really predictable.
And, of course, as they come in…
I’m also starting work on the behind-the-scenes PDF book that I want to offer as a premium item with the game. Learning Scribus has been surprisingly straightforward, but I guess that’s generally on the todo list as well.
I decided it wasn’t worth waiting for the final Adam sprite to push a new release, given everything else that’s stacking up behind it. So here’s a new release with the first real art assets: theme music, backgrounds, and inked (but not colored) Adam sprite. Hopefully the next release will include both finalized Adam and James sprites, but we shall see.
Also, as the game approaches a more “finished” state, I’m going to start giving releases a name. This one is “A is for Adam”, since it features a partially-finished Adam sprite.
Version: v0.11107
Release name: A is for Adam
As usual, you can get it on the download page.
Changes in this release:
Stats for this release: 27,888 dialog blocks, 225,214 words, 1,179,425 characters