There’s a James!

Also another background:

There’s a James!
Also another background:
More WIP art! Robert likes showing off his skills. Elliot is not amused.
Also I am in love with how James’ hair is turning out…
I’m supposed to have a final James sprite by this Saturday, so I’m in the process of replacing him in the game. With luck, we’ll have a new release this upcoming weekend with final James and Adam sprites!
Via the indelible @stollcomics .
It’s been an awesome few days for art, between the beautiful campus backgrounds, the final Adam sprite, and now progress on James. I feel like I’ve been slacking so much on my code/story cleanup. :\
More from the talented hands of @stollcomics. Here’s Adam looking good. 🙂 I think his sprite design is done at this point, and he’ll soon get inked and then colored.
Here’s a preview of a couple iterations in design on James.
The second is the more recent one. I think he’s going to be repositioned, and have some slight tweaks, but that’s the general idea.